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Artist: The Smashing Pumpkins

The following channels include songs by The Smashing Pumpkins

Future Perfect Radio

Our deepest indie rock channel, featuring new music, deep cuts and forgotten favorites

Classic Rock Light

Lighter classic rock ideal for the office or background listening

Classic Rocktopia

The 1,000 greatest songs in rock history -- by the Beatles, the Rolling Stones, the Who, Pink Flo...

1990s Alternative

The best '90s alternative music essentials! Tune in to the greatest alt-rock bands and the top so...

'90s Pop Alternative

Alternative pop songs that became mainstream hits

Alternative Rock Classics

Classic Alternative rock with a '90s-era focus

2000s Alternative

Alternative rock hits in a new century

Classic Alternative: The Grind

Classic alternative rock's edgier side

Alternative Now!

Pushing the boundaries of modern rock

Adult Rock

More eclectic than Classic Rock, more chill than Alternative

Fender Strat Slingers

Rock guitarists known for playing the iconic Fender Stratocaster: Hendrix, Clapton, SRV, and more...

Adult Rock: The Rockers

Adult Rock for grown-ups who still like it (a little) loud

Alternative on the Charts

Only the top Alternative Rock chart hits -- updated weekly!

HitKast Rock

The intersection of pop and rock

Indie 101

The hippest Alternative, the friendliest Indie

Holiday Rock

Rock renditions of holiday sentiments.

Spice Tracks

Non-traditional holiday music styles, artists, and songs

Wait, THEY Made a Christmas Record?!?

Holiday music from unexpected sources

Holiday Music: Wide Playlist

The widest playlist of holiday songs you'll find anywhere -- over 17,000 songs!

Alternative Rock: New Releases

Nothing but brand new Alternative rock tracks. As fresh as it gets!

Alternative All-Stars

Like an Alternative Rock Hall of Fame

Classic Hits

All your favorite '70s & '80s hit music: Madonna, Prince, Billy Joel, Fleetwood Mac, and Journey

Number, Please!

Songs that are much more than 1s & 0s. Nothing but numerical tracks of all kinds.

Listeners' Top 100: Alternative

The Top 100 listener-rated Alternative rock songs, new and old

Listeners' Top 100: Adult Rock

The Top 100 listener-rated Adult Rock tracks

The Best Rock of the '20s

Five Finger Death Punch, Pop Evil, Foo Fighters, Mammoth, Falling in Reverse and more great '20s ...

100 Greatest Rock Guitar Songs

A celebration of the songs ruled by an axe.

100 Greatest Hard Rock Songs

These tracks rock, and they're at the top

Indie Rock Christmas

Indie rockers in the holiday spirit

Indie & Alt-Rock Guitar Heroes

Indie and alternative rock's top guitar slingers

Adult Alternative

Blending early modern rock (U2, the Cure, R.E.M.) with more current alternative (Coldplay, Arcade...

'90s Classic Rock

Great rock of the '90s and classic rockers' later recordings

Classic Rock Covers

Great classic rock...remade!

Classic Rock Dreams

Relaxing classic rock for a mellow mood

1991 in Rock

Was 1991 the greatest year in rock history? These tracks make the case!

Critics' Picks: Top Songs of the '90s

Derived from hundreds of critics' lists of the best music of the decade

1990s Hits

The hits that defined the decade

Unplugged: Acoustic Versions

Alternative acoustic versions of rock and pop hits, with lots from the MTV performances

Rock for the People

'90s/2000s heavy rock focus, with killer new music plus a few classic gems

Curator's Choice: Patty's Holiday Spice

Unique holidays flavors from Patty Martin, the mind behind Adult Rock, Celtic, and World Music ch...


'90s-based heavy alternative like Nirvana, Soundgarden, STP, Pearl Jam and more. Smells like flan...

Curator's Choice: Holiday Hang with Mary Ellen

Mary Ellen is the pro who creates the Oldies and Pop Standards channels. This is her family's Chr...

This Is Music: 1995

It's been three decades since these tracks ruled the airwaves and MTV...

The Multiverse

From Alternative to Zydeco and ABC to ZZ Top, it's genre-defying, decades-spanning eclecticism.

Rock Guitar Heroes featuring Eddie Van Halen

Classic & alternative rock guitarists, featuring the work of Eddie Van Halen (1955-2020)

As Heard on TV: Hits Used in Commercials

All those great songs you hear in television commercials!

Rock Alphabet: "S" means Stoked with volume!

Get steeped in Saga, Santana, Stray Cats, Springsteen, Spoon, and Stone Temple Pilots.

Alt & Modern Rock: 1995

Driving the mid-90s at their best with the year's best tracks.


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